
V C Kulandaiswamy , (born: 1929-07-14) is an Indian academician abd renowned author. He is currently the Chairman of Tamil Virtual University. He has received the sahitya Akadami Award for a Tamil literary work, Padma shri(1992) and Padma Bhushan(2002) for distinguished services in the fields of education and sciences. He has also received an honorary doctorate from jafna university (Sri Lanka) in 1980 in recognition of his contribution to Tamil literature. He sered as the vice- chancellor of Anna University (Chennai) from 1990 to 1994. He was born in Vangalampalayam village in karur district.

He has authored six volumes of poems and seven of prose essays which earned him the prestigious Thiruvalluvar Award by tamil nadu government in 1999. He also holds the post of Vice- Chairman of the Institute of Asian Sudies, Chennai, an institute working on an encyclopedia which would throw light on the more than 75,000 palm leaf manuscripts in Tamil which have founded homes in museums in India, Europe and South - East Asia.

He obtained his B.E from Engineering College, Kakinada, Master of technology degree from IIT Kharagpur and obtained a Doctorate in hydrology and water resources from the University of Illionis(United States). He is widely acclaimed in hydrologic Iiterature as the propounder of Kulandaiswamy model, a mathematical model for the rainfall-runoff relationship based on a general equation developed by him. Kuladdaiswamy was a member of the UNESCO planning group in 1978 for the preparation of the second sex-year plan(1981-1986) of the International Hydraulic Programme(IHP). He has authored more than 60 reseaech reports and papers in the field of hydrology.